Bands & Musical Events

If you’re looking for music in the Bandon area, no worries.  There is a fair bit of music going on for a small town!

Local Music
There are a number of places right here in Bandon to hear live music, and often the musicians are local!  Some of the regulars include Caught Red Handed, Sly and Friends, and Done Deal.  They and other bands can be found playing at the Broken Anchor, Brewed Awakenings, and, during the sunny months, at the farmers market.

Bandon Showcase
Bandon Showcase is a non-profit organization bringing music to the community.  Past performances have included The Voetburg Family performing Irish, Scottish, swing and classical music; The Vienna Boys’ Choir; The Glenn Miller Orchestra; pianist Mike Strickland, and The Alley Cats, a fun doo-wop group.  They perform at the Sprague Theater located on 11th Avenue next to Bandon City Park.  To see current and upcoming shows, visit their website.